So grateful for the cool moist(ish) air in the early morning hours! I like to get up early and open a window or two to let the fresh air in, feels delightful. Really cools the house down before the afternoon bake. Thanks, Universe!
A reminder for myself that a few moments of mindfully "not doing" is worth more than any produce. I spent 10 minutes or so not creating, or thinking about creating or worrying or attending or reading or listening or imagining or watching or playing or crocheting. Then took a shower, did the dishes and discovered the microwave needs replacing; researched mics, made a cuppa, remembered this blog and am hereby posting upon it. Had a nice feeling of being "well-ordered" which is new to me, taking a few breaths and now quite interested in this. Wonderful!
asked for angels and guides to help me, they are answering with feelings of love and light! found a good reiki healer on youtube, the word "reiki" was in squareword yesterday. never before. 📿 also realized that thing i get in winter on my fingers is "chilblains" from the cold on my mousing hand. finally got the right strum pattern for "Love is a Rose" I have been struggling with for at least a year off and on. have a doc appt today, I asked reiki to send love to it, so hoping it goes well. got a book from gina lake, channeling Jesus which is uplifting also. so thanks everyone and everything!
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